• Customized Programs
  • Academy Programs
  • Outdoor Adventure

Customized Programs

The mission of "Gray Matters - Training" is to develop managers into successful leaders by improving their behavioural skills. Based upon the fundamental principle that success is the best teacher, our behavioural and management development programs concentrate on motivating the participants to succeed by developing a positive attitude.

Understanding the significance of investing in behavioural skills, many organizations in India and abroad have started investing in it as a part of their corporate training initiative. Behavioural skills training have witnesses a marked transition in the last decade from being "generic" and 'good to have' to be 'defined' and 'prerequisite'. This shift in perception is not without reason.

Organizations across the globe have realized that professionals with just technical skills only, partly complement the essentials of being a 'complete professional'. Research study has revealed that people skills outweigh technical skills by a factor of 3:1 in deciding the long-term success of professionals.

We offer the entire range of customided behavioural programmes based on the needs of your organization: (Download Gray Matters Brochure – pdf)

    Self Development Skills

  • Communication Skills
  • Presentation Skills
  • Time Management
  • Assertiveness Skills
  • Transactional Analysis
  • Achievement Orientation
  • Winning Ways

    Tactical Workplace Skills

  • Negotiation Skills
  • Stress Management
  • Analytical Thinking & Creativity
  • Conflict Management
  • Workplace Etiquette
  • Customer Orientation
  • Selling to win

    Alignment Skills

  • Team Building
  • Leadership Development
  • Performance Counseling
  • Managerial Effectiveness

    Reckoning Skills

  • Balanced Scorecard
  • Competency Based Interviewing
  • Competency Management
  • Coaching & Mentoring

Rapid Training Needs Identification (RTNI)© -

You can use our proprietary tool RTNI© to identify your training needs absolutely free of cost. Download the RTNI Tool from this link and after ticking the relevant behaviour@work statements mail it to us at contact@graymatters.co.in . Our representatives will get in touch with you within 24 hours with the skill-models and a proposal for the program.

We track L1 (Reaction), L2 (Learning Change) and L3 (Behaviour Change) through the RTNI for all our clients and provide them with customized reports on Training Effectiveness.

For details about the RTNI Tool ©

Academy Programs

How many times you have felt that the training program you recently attended was not good because there were too many participants and the subject required focussed attention?

Many times, we presume. This presumption has given rise to the extensive and intensive programs that we have designed, with only 10 participants per batch. Imagine the time and focus you would receive as an individual and the intensity with which learning would happen.

Gray Matters Academy puts knowledge imparting at the foremost of its intention and that is our core strength. The Academy programs are on topics in the list provided above and also some special and relevant topics from time to time.

We also organize 10 people training program from a single organization, on a topic of their choice, at the academy. For further details, send a mail to contact@graymatters.co.in


"How you say, what you need to say": A Performance Feedback Workshop
"Measures That Matter": A Balanced Scorecard Workshop
"Hiring Right": A Competency Based Interviewing Skills Workshop
"Mentoring Matters - 1": A Mentor Sensitization Workshop
"Mentoring Matters - 2": A Mentee Sensitization Workshop
"Making a Mark – 1": A Developing Managerial Effectiveness Workshop
"Making a Mark – 2": A Developing Managerial Effectiveness Workshop
"Making a Mark – 3": A Developing Managerial Effectiveness Workshop
"Rok Sako Toh Rok Lo": A Selling Skills Effectiveness Workshop
"Together Everyone Achieves More": A Team Effectiveness Workshop
"Understanding People Processes": A HR for Non-HR Workshop
"I Can if I Will": A Managerial Motivation Workshop
"The Leader in You": A Junior Leadership Development Workshop
"The Leader’s Edge": A Middle Leadership Development Workshop
"Leading Ahead": A Senior Leadership Development Workshop
"Silver Screen Magic - 1": A Management Through Movies Workshop
"Silver Screen Magic - 2": A Management Through Movies Workshop
"Silver Screen Magic - 3": A Management Through Movies Workshop
"I Moved your Cheese": A Change Management Effectiveness Workshop
"Prim & Proper": A Workplace Etiquette & Grooming Workshop

The above programs can also be organized for in-house training at a venue of your choice for more number of participants.

Outdoor Adventure Learning

Experiential education (or "learning by doing") is the process of actively engaging corporate executives in an experience that will have benefits and consequences. Executives make discoveries and experiment with knowledge themselves, instead of hearing or reading about the experiences of others. Executives also reflect on their experiences, thus developing new skills, new attitudes, and new theories or ways of thinking. Executives also relate existing knowledge and theory to their experience to better understand the existing theory or modify it.

  • Business Management is increasingly the management of change for which there are often no precedents. The new century has created new demands and therefore, new challenges.
  • In order to survive and prosper, organizations now need a more critical and discerning level of leaders and decision-makers. This is best achieved through the Outdoor Methodology of Experiential learning where the dynamic skills bring out the best in executives and others.
  • The concept of experiential learning explores the cyclical pattern of learning from Experience through Reflection and Conceptualizing to Action and on to further Experience.
  • Adventure Based Outdoor Experiential Learning is a learning process that draws upon experiences encountered during outdoor journeys.
  • The executive is equipped with foundation skills such as navigation, decision-making (in the outdoor context), and is then presented with opportunities to utilize these primary skills during a challenging experience.
  • The challenge can encompass physical, social, emotional, spiritual and intellectual dimensions of experience.
  • The learner uses their foundation skills in the experience, bears the consequence of their actions in a constructive and affirming manner and then uses reflection to determine how they might approach a similar situation again. Thus the final element is the "transfer" of learning into everyday contexts.

One of the most powerful tools that we currently use for Advanced Training - due to its speed and effectiveness in achieving results- is the experiential or action-learning simulation. Action Learning is based on the premise that people learn best from experience - and from reflecting on experience to gain insights for personal, professional and team development. While on the surface they often appear to be simply "games", the team and leadership simulations that we use are a form of action-learning that serve as powerful "practice fields" to sharpen critical skills for on-the-job application.

BootCamp Methodology
Working closely with clients we: (a) identify problems, (b) diagnoses needs, (c) develop capabilities at organizational, team and personnel levels. Programs are drawn up in close collaboration with client organizations in order to meet defined objectives.

With each program, designed to meet the client's expectations, combined with full evaluation and feed back to the participants, the opportunities exist for individuals to fulfill their maximum potential.
Tasks are goal oriented with constant feedback for evaluation. Analysis and assessment take place both on the field and indoors to ensure that the learning experience is relevant and transferable to company and job function requirements. Our Team of Behavioral Consultants through Process Consulting does this very effectively.

BootCamp Impact
The learning is experiential, dramatized by the powerful impact of the outdoors - Be it in the Himalayas or the Desert landscape! Not only more vivid but also which transfers directly to Management skill and style at the work place.

BootCamp Partners
Our Safety Partner for BootCamp program is Himalayan Footprints. They are the custodians of all safety requirements for all the programs conducted.

Download our “BootCamp” Brochure (pdf)